This module is annually updated on an academic year basis and access to the module is included within your centre membership to The Exams Office

What the module offers

The module is designed to support senior leaders/line managers (with responsibility for exams/the exams officer) by informing and measuring understanding of JCQ regulations and key tasks that may need to be undertaken by them/their exams officer in the management and administration of the exams process.

What the module provides

By completing this module, senior leaders/line managers will be able to support1 their exams office/officer through the exam cycle.

The module is devised to:

  • inform senior leaders/line managers of the key aspects of each stage of the exam cycle (see below)
  • support senior leaders/line managers in ensuring that key exams-related tasks are completed in their centre
  • recognise the understanding/knowledge of senior leaders/line managers

1Also refer to our useful resource CHECKLIST FOR SENIOR LEADERS/LINE MANAGERS



The assessment is ‘open-book’ where senior leaders/line managers are permitted to refer to the regulations where relevant. Questions are selected randomly from a bank of questions.

The module can only be certificated when a Pass (full marks) has been achieved.



Upon successful completion, senior leaders/line managers will be awarded their Certificate and Assessment Details, which lists the assessment sections and associated marks.

Note, completion and certification of the annually updated module must take place by the end of July each year as it will be de-activated from then until it is re-activated early in the new academic year (subject to the issue of all relevant updated JCQ publications) after review and update.

When and how the module should be completed

The module should be completed throughout the academic year before each stage of the exam cycle is undertaken in your centre.

Users should read and research the training information and complete the assessment in each section.

Below is an indicative timeline (based on the summer series exam cycle) of when each section could be be completed:

Section Read/research information Complete assessment
PLANNING September September/October
ENTRIES November November/December
PRE-EXAMS  January February/March
EXAM TIME March April

How long should it take to complete the module?

The module is designed to be completed throughout the academic year. Each section will require the following to ensure completion:

  • Read/research the information – approximately 20-30 minutes (this will be longer if additional information is acquired via the hyperlinks)
  • Complete the assessment – if the questions in all five sections are answered correctly at the first attempt this should take no more than 10 minutes

The Exams Office takes no responsibility for any outcomes in centres as a result of the information provided on our website, The Exams Office Hub or within our documentation. It is the responsibility of centres to apply this information as they deem necessary within their own centre. You should always contact/refer to the relevant awarding body for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding their qualifications.