A range of videos to support exams officers in their role

Exam training videos

Each academic year The Exams Office produces a range of training videos covering the management, administration and conducting of examinations. The following categories of video are available:

  • Exam Changes (in JCQ publications for the current academic year)
  • Planning for the academic year: Actions for Autumn
  • Managing an exam series: Spring into Summer
  • Managing an exam day
  • Invigilator Training


Exam support videos

The following are available:

  • Invigilator Announcement (content taken from Appendix 3 (Suggested wording for the invigilator’s announcement at the beginning of written examinations) of JCQ’s Instructions for conducting examinations publication)
  • Instructions for Candidates (content taken from Appendix 5 (Information for candidates for written examinations) of JCQ’s Instructions for conducting examinations publication) See further details below


Unauthorised use of videos

Member centres are reminded that the use of any resources produced and provided by The Exams Office is not permitted beyond the centre.

Non-member centres and commercial organisations are not permitted to use videos, animations and support materials produced by The Exams Office without prior permission.

The appropriate legal action will be taken against any unauthorised use of materials produced by The Exams Office.

Video details

Exam Changes

This series of videos highlight exam regulation changes for the current academic year. Areas covered include:

  • Changes in the following JCQ publications
    • General Regulations for Approved Centres
    • Instructions for conducting examinations
    • Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (where relevant to the exams officer role)
    • A guide to the special consideration process
    • Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments/Instructions for conducting coursework
    • Suspected Malpractice: Procedures and Policies

Planning for the academic year: Actions for Autumn

This series of videos supports exams officers through the main tasks from October to February. Areas covered include:

  • Exam planning
  • Exam entries
  • Confidential exam materials
  • Briefing candidates and staff
  • Access arrangements
  • Centre inspections
  • Exam policies
  • Managing and recruiting invigilators
  • Private candidates

Managing an exam series: Spring into Summer

This series of videos supports exams officers in managing an exam series. Areas covered include:

  • Meeting deadlines
  • Exam entries
  • Confidential exam materials
  • Timetabling, rooming and seating plans
  • Access arrangements
  • Training and preparing invigilators
  • Briefing candidates
  • Contingency planning
  • Before, and at the beginning of, the exam
  • During the exam
  • At the end of, and after, the exam
  • Packing and dispatching exam scripts
  • Managing results day
  • Post-Results

Managing an exam day

This series of ten animated videos supports exams officers in preparing for and managing an examination day, and dealing with emerging situations and issues which may occur during the examination. Areas covered include:

  • Preparing for each examination session
  • After each examination session
  • Preparing for the next examination session/day
  • A candidate requiring an emergency access arrangements at the time of the examination
  • A candidate arriving for an examination who is clearly unwell or extremely distressed
  • A candidate is absent from an examination
  • A candidate who arrives late for an examination
  • A candidate who arrives very late for an examination
  • A candidate suspected of or committing actual malpractice in the examination room
  • A serious disruption in the examination room

Invigilator Training read more…

Invigilator Announcement

This is a recording (and video) of the suggested announcement given at the start of written examinations reflecting appendix 3 of JCQ’s Instructions for conducting examinations. This may be of particular use in centres where invigilators may not be heard clearly by candidates.

If using this announcement, invigilators should also be issued with the INVIGILATOR ANNOUNCEMENT INSTRUCTIONS which provides detail on how to control the recording along with other relevant information

Instructions for Candidates

This animated video can be shown to candidates, and shared with parents, ahead of an examination series to highlight the rules which apply before, during and after an examination reflecting Appendix 5  of JCQ’s Instructions for conducting examinations and the actual Information for candidates document itself.

Please note: The script in the video does not cover sections B1-3 (which relate to arrival time/arriving late, as centres may want to provide centre-specific instructions in this respect) and section E1 (again centre-specific instructions may also apply) of the JCQ Information for candidates – written examinations document which must be distributed to all candidates whether electronically or in hard copy format prior to assessments and/or examinations taking place (refer to JCQ General Regulations for Approved Centres, section 5.8).

By viewing this video, candidates will be supported in ensuring that they are fully prepared for every examination.

To support the delivery of this video also refer to use of the ‘INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES’ BRIEFING TEMPLATE

The Exams Office takes no responsibility for any outcomes in centres as a result of the information provided on our website, The Exams Office Hub or within our documentation. It is the responsibility of schools/colleges to apply this information as they deem necessary within their own centre. You should always contact/refer to the relevant awarding body for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding their qualifications.